Depression / Low Mood

Depression / Low Mood

Depression, Low Mood

  • Symptoms experienced may include:
    • Tearfulness Irritability
    • Guilt, worry, rumination
    • Feeling useless, inadequate, worthless
    • Changes in sleep and eating patterns
    • Using alcohol /drugs to cope
    • Withdrawing from friends and family
    • Reduced interest or enjoyment in anything
    • Reduced interest or enjoyment in anything
    • Reduced concentration and motivation
    • Difficulty in making decisions
    • Reduced interest in sex
    • Feeling tired
    • Physical aches and pains are more acute
    • Increased anxiety or panic attack
    • Reduced self-confidence
    • Suicidal thoughts or intentions
    • Talking or engaging with others is too much effort

The above are all typical of the symptoms someone may have if they are experiencing a low mood or depression. In therapy we often describe depression as; mild, moderate or severe. If you recognise your feelings and thoughts are becoming unmanageable, in addition to accessing therapy, it is also important that you seek the support of your GP.

Depression can be brought about by a number of things; a one off event like being made redundant, a number of stressors wearing you down over a period of time may all contribute to how you feel, a period of ill health or being in pain, a difficult upbringing, substance or alcohol use or abuse (historic or current) or, as strange as it may sound, we may just not be able to identify exactly when or how it began.  It is not unusual for someone who is depressed to also experience some anxiety or even potentially panic attacks.  

Depression is often accompanied by negative thinking which may lead to feelings of helplessness with thoughts that life will always be like this and that there is no reason to be hopeful about the future….. therapy will help you to address this. Depression cannot just be taken away but there are skills and tools that you can acquire that will help you to develop more effective ways of coping and to reduce the impact it has on your day to day life.

For many, medication can help them to support their mood level and alleviate some of the symptoms they may be experiencing while they engage in therapy. Some people are reluctant to take medication, you need to take your condition seriously and take your doctor’s guidance on this. Where doctor’s are in agreement for you to try therapy without medication, you need to understand the importance of committing to the therapy as without doing so could mean that your condition could deteriorate further.

Counselling and therapy can then enable people to understand why they became so poorly and help them to move their life through this distressing period….. Why do I feel like this?, What has caused this?, What can I do about it?

Counselling and therapy are not something that is ‘done to you’. Accessing counselling/ therapy is your choice. To get the most from this you will need to be prepared to; be as open as you can, to consider making changes in your life, to ‘give things a go’ or even to work towards acceptance of some things that cannot be changed.

Remember, you will not be alone in working on this. I will support you as you work to gain insight into what will help you to find purpose and value in your life going forward.

Please contact me to discuss how I can best support you on:

07428 595132